On the Issues

  • As a product of public schools in the district, Ashley will fiercely fight to fully fund public education. She is currently serving her third term as a Wilkinsburg School Board Director, where she was instrumental in lowering taxes 6 mils. She understands the difficult financial situation countless districts across the Commonwealth are facing, and will be instrumental in securing more funding for public education. Additionally, Ashley knows the value of out-of-school time (OST) programming to keep our youth engaged in productive activities and proactively prevent violence in our communities.

  • From paid family leave to paid medical leave, Ashley is at the forefront of advocating for care infrastructure in Pennsylvania. The U.S is one of the only countries in the world that doesn't offer paid leave to new parents. Paid family leave has been shown to reduce infant mortality by as much as 20%. Families shouldn’t have to choose between caring for a loved one in hospice or losing a pay check, and Ashley will lead the charge to build care infrastructure that works for working families.

  • From 2012-2016, pregnancy-related deaths rose in Pennsylvania, with 11.4 deaths per 100,000 live births. That rate is more than double for Black women, at 27.2 pregnancy-related deaths per 100,000 live births. Ashley’s current role with Pittsburgh-based nonprofit Health Start, Inc. works to directly address these disparities, and she has been on the frontlines working alongside the recently formed Black Maternal Health Caucus in the House. She collectively works with advocates across the Commonwealth to improve infant and maternal health outcomes for families in Pennsylvania.

  • Unapologetically pro-choice, Ashley believes your medical decisions should be between you and your doctor. In her 9-5 job Ashley is the Government Relations Manager for Health Start, Inc., where she works at the intersection of accessible and quality healthcare and reproductive justice. She supports access to abortion care, and knows that the next fight to protect reproductive rights starts in Harrisburg.

  • Any person in the LGBTQIA+ community can be denied housing, education, and public resources based on their identity in Pennsylvania, and it’s past time we send the PA Fairness Act to Governor Shapiro’s desk and ensure equal protections for all. Ashley is an ally of the LGBTQIA+ community and will always fight for equity.

  • Raised in a union household, Ashley understands the power unions have in guaranteeing a family sustaining wage, a safe work environment, healthcare, and will always fight to protect the rights of workers. She understands that collective bargaining and expanding access to apprenticeship programs are vital to ensuring economic vitality in House District 34.

  • Safe, securing housing is a fundamental need that is out of reach for too many. Housing injustice plagues our communities and as State Representative, Ashley will support efforts to increase home ownership. She understands the need for legislation to protect tenants, their right to organize, and prioritize funding for housing that is affordable and equitable. Additionally, Ashley supports making the Whole Home Repairs program a permanent resource for our community.

  • Ashley believes that clean air and water are a right, and we must be good stewards of our resources. This is done by holding corporate polluters accountable for those who work and live in our district. She supports major investments in renewable energy, public transit, and climate adaptation. She also supports a ban on fracking. Our world is changing and we can do the work to create permanent, high quality, green union jobs, right here in House District 34.

  • The minimum wage is criminally low, and its long past time to raise it. Ashley has been on the frontlines advocating for working families and will fight to raise the wage to $18/hour across the Commonwealth.

What issue is important to you?

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